IMPORTANT: If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, have travelled outside of Ontario in the last 14 days or have come in contact with someone who has COVID-19, we request you to stay home and watch Online Service for the safety of yourself and the community. YOU MUST BRING YOUR OWN MASK or FACE COVERING AND WEAR IT AT ALL TIMES DURING THE CHURCH SERVICE. This is a requirement by the Government and we must follow it. Once you register for attending Church service by filling out the form, it will show you CONFIRMATION at the end of the form. You will not be receiving any confirmation emails from us. Registration capacity is 90 people. WE REQUEST YOU TO REGISTER BEFORE THE DEADLINE HAS PASSED AWAY. If you are UNABLE to register due to an emergency, you may check if the space is still available by text messaging at 647.448.2264. If the space if not available for that Sunday, we request you to choose the next date to attend.